McKinney Vento (Homeless)
Homeless students include but are not limited to, children who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (commonly referred to as “doubled up”); are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping ground due to a lack of alternative adequate accommodations, are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; are awaiting foster care placement; are staying in private or public places not ordinarily used as sleeping accommodations; or are otherwise not residing in a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence. There is no specific time limit on how long a child or youth can be considered homeless.
Choice of Schools
A homeless child or youth is entitled to attend any of the following:
- School in which he or she was enrolled when permanently housed (school of origin);
- The school he or she was last enrolled when permanently houses (school of origin);
- Any public school that non homeless students who live in the attendance area in which the homeless child is actually living are eligible to attend.
Parents/guardians shall make a good faith effort to provide or arrange transportation to the school of origin. If parents are unable to secure transportation, the District will be responsible for transportation to their school of origin.
Homeless children are entitled to receive free lunch and school fee waivers.
Homeless students will be immediately enrolled with or without school and/or health records.
District Contact
For further assistance or information, please contact Darien District 61 Homeless Liason, Mrs. Kateri Quinonez at 630-968-7505 or call the Illinois Homeless Education Program Hotline at 1- 800-215-6379. Additional information can also be found at the Illinois State Board of Education web page:
More Information
McKinney-Vento Fact Sheet - English
McKinney-Vento fact sheet Spanish
A resource for housing support, food banks, etc.