Student Health & Safety
- A temperature of 100 degrees or higher, now or in the past 24 hours. Students are to be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Flu-like symptoms
- Sore throat and /or swollen glands
- Cold symptoms, such as continuous nasal discharge or repeated coughing or sneezing which are likely to spread infection
- Headache not responsive to Tylenol
- Undiagnosed rashes or skin lesions which are suspicious for something contagious
- Any illness where the child is unable to participate fully in classroom activities
- A low-grade fever (99-100 degrees) accompanied by any symptoms of not feeling well or excessive tiredness
Please remember that if your child is sent home during the school day it is for everyone’s benefit and your child should remain home for a full 24 hours. This policy is to prevent the potential spread of disease and, although your child may appear well the next day, they may still be contagious. Also, there are certain infectious diseases that do require a doctor’s note upon returning to school. The nurse will let you know if a doctor’s note is required when your child is sent home.
Guidelines for Contagious Diseases – Time children should be out of school:
Approximately 6 days after appearance of rash/ no open sores RUBELLA (3 DAY MEASLES) Approximately 7 days after appearance of rash and after all glandular swelling has disappeared MUMPS Approximately 9 days after swelling of salivary glands has appeared STREP THROAT
Until treated by physician PINK EYE After eyes have cleared IMPETIGO 24 hours after treatment by physician – open sores must be covered