What We Do
What does the Wellness Committee do?
- We meet 4-5 times a year discussing wellness events and initiatives to provide for students, employees, and community members.
- Information is provided through principals' weekly communication bulletins, on Twitter @d61twitter, and on our d61 website.
- Wellness tables are set up at parent-teacher conferences to provide handouts and freebies for families.
- Organizes "Wellness Week" (First week of May)
- Facilitates Project ACES - (First Wednesday in May)
- Planning a Family Fitness Night for the spring
- Provides staff and employees weekly appreciation emails
How do schools already promote wellness for students?
Physical Education
Health Education
Active Recess (Delay & Lace)
Movement breaks in the classroom
Offering a balanced lunch and breakfast
Healthy snack time (Delay & Lace)
Providing social emotional learning
Jump Rope for Heart
Yearly "Erin’s Law" Lessons
Intramurals/ Sports/ Clubs
- Project Aces
Red Ribbon Week
Nurses, Psychologists, and Social Workers in each building
Offers Condor Health - Sex Ed. (Jr. High Level)
- Athletic Program - (Jr. High Level)
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