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Integrated Pest Management

Dear Parents/Guardians

In order to comply with Senate Bill 527, District #61 maintains an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan that includes building maintenance, sanitation procedures, physical barriers, and as a last resort, the safest, effective means of pesticide.

Although we currently do not spray or fog with any pesticides, in the unlikely event this is found to be necessary, we have created a voluntary registration. By putting your name on the list, you are asking to be notified two days before an airborne pesticide application. In the event of an extreme emergency where pesticides must be used immediately, we will notify you as soon as possible. Please complete the form if you wish to be added to the registry.  You can register below, or click here to link directly to the form.

If you have any questions, please contact the District Office at (630) 968-7505.

Frank Brendlinger
Chief School Business Official

Notification Request Form